Photo retreat with Kirsten and Jenna

Foto odmik, Oberwesel, Nemčija. Trije dnevi od jutra do poznega večera nenehnega pogovora o fotografiji, trenutkih ujetih v akciji, iskanje svojega glasu, pogovori s kolegi fotografi, mentorstvo dveh izvrstnih fotografinj Kirsten Lewis in Jenna Shouldice, … vse to mi je dalo novih moči in spoznanj, kako nadaljevati mojo fotografsko pot in postati boljša fotografinja. Poleg vsega znanja, pa sem spoznala krasne fotografinje (in enega fotografa) iz različnih koncev evrope, na katere se lahko obrnem za nasvet in sem jim tudi jaz na voljo. 

Photo retreat, Oberwesel, Germany. Three full days of intense conversations on photography of moments caught in action and about finding your inner voice while talking to fellow photographers and being mentored by the two geniuses on their field Kirsten Lewis in Jenna Shouldice. It all gave me a new strength and insight on how to continue my photography path and become even better at it. And as a bonus i got to meet some great people form around the Europe, who I can count on for advice in the future. And vice versa.

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