Moja mala trmica / Tantrum

No, pa smo prišli do tega… Mojo 4 letnico po večkrat na dan zapusti ves razum in potrpežljivost in se začne dreti, metati po tleh, brcati, ipd. Do sedaj smo se že večkrat srečali z znaki trme, ampak tako hudo kot zadnji mesec pa še ne. Racionalno vem, da je to normalen razvoj otroka in se moramo veseliti tega, da se razvija in ima svojo voljo. Priznam pa, da včasih težko ohranim mirno kri. Tako sem danes vzela v roke fotoaparat in ovekovečila nekaj teh utrinkov. Ko bodo te izpadi enkrat minili, bo tudi to lep spomin ;) Pa še nekaj je - ko se postavim za fotoaparat, dobim malo distance do dogajanja, saj razmišljam predvsem kako narediti dobro fotografijo in malo manj “kako grozna” je scena na katero v bistvu nimam vpliva ;)

Well here we are… Several times a day all of the patience and rational thinking in abandoned by my 4-year-old and she ends up screaming&kicking on the floor. We have seen the signs of stubbornness before but it has never been as bad as it has the last month. Rationally I know it is just a normal part of growing up and I should be happy she is developing her own will power. I admit it is not easy to stay calm in this moments. So i picked up my camera to capture a few of this moments - they too will be a fun memory - when they pass :) The other thing is that my camera gives me some distance from the situation, since I am busy composing the shot and not focusing on the “headache giving” situation I have no control over anyway ;)

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