Mini počitnice v Umagu

Medtem ko smo očka poslali na Kitajsko (ker je njegova služba tako rekla ;) ), smo se mi podali skupaj s staro mamo in teto Jojo na morje. Za počitnice smo si izbrali hiško v Istrian Villas, kjer nam je velika “dnevna soba” prišla še kako prav, saj je del našega dopusta Ivan kuhal vročino. Tako smo veliko časa zganjali lumparije po hiški, se sprehajali po Stella Maris vasici in prebrali celega Kljukca iz strehe. Seveda pa potem ni manjkal tudi preizkus “tanke” vode v zalivčku. 

While we sent dad to China (or better said his job did ;) ) we went to the seaside with grandma and auntie Joja. We chose Istrian Villas as our vacation spot and made a good use out of the spacious “living room”  since a part of the vacation was spent indoors with Ivan running a slight fever. So we spent plenty of time goofing around indoors, taking walks around the Stella Maris village and read the entire Karlsson-on-the-Roof book. And by the end the health even improved enough so we could test out the “thin” water in the lagoon.

Terasa. The terrace.

Na sprehodu. On a walk.

Reševanje križanke. Doing the crossword.

Umivanje zob. Brushing teeth.

Zalivček. The lagoon.

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