Kirchsee Bayern
September 7, 2016Pred kratkim sem imela priložnost spoznati to čudovito jezero. Zakaj tako čudovito? Preprosto zato, ker je čisto (jasno saj so nemci počistili vsa jezera), urejena plaža in rdeča barva vode :) Še posebaj pa me je navdušila ta bavarska sproščenost in sposobnost uživanja. Pivo in vodna pipa v vodi? Zakaj pa ne ;)
A short while ago I got introduced to this charming lake. Why is it so charming you ask? Simply because it is clean (it must be in order if it is german) the coastline and parking are organised properly and… wait for it… it is ORANGE! The other thing I found amazing is the relaxed atmosphere of the bavarians - they really know how to enjoy their free time. Beer and waterpipe while bathing? Why not!