Dokumentarno poročno fotografiranje
October 18, 2016Tudi vajinega poročnega dne se lahko lotim na popolnoma dokumentaren način, pravzaprav je ta meni najljubši :) Skozi ves dan lovim najbolj zanimive, čustvene in razigrane trenutke, ki naredijo poročni dan zanimiv, čustven in nepozaben. Še najbolje pa je, da vama cel dan sploh ne bo potrebno skrbeti kdaj bodo posnete fotografije, ali bo čas za poziranje, ali smo ujeli najboljšo svetlobo… Na koncu naredim izbor najboljših fotografij, jih obdelam in združim v slideshow. Tako je poročni dan kot na dlani na voljo, da si ga ogledata kadarkoli imata 5 minut časa ali pa ga delita s prijatelji, sorodniki in znanci. Preprosto :) Če pa si želita še več, je na voljo tudi kvalitetna fotoknjiga ali pa npr. fotografije na lesu, ki bodo polepšale vajino steno… oziroma kar celo sobo ;)
Anything can be perfectly captured in a documentary style - even you wedding day. It is also my favourite thing to do. I love catching the most interesting, emotional and playful moments that make the wedding day fun, moving and simply unforgettable. And the good thing is you will never have to worry about when the pictures will be taken and if you have enough time or the best light for it… At the end I like to make a selection of the best images, process them and make a slideshow. That way you have your wedding day at the fingertips any time you have extra 5 minutes. You can also share it with your family and friends. On the other hand if you are looking for more I can also offer a high quality photo book or images printed on wood that will shine on your wall… and brighten up the room :)