Športni/nešportni otrok

Jaz sem bila vedno športni otrok, katerikoli šport in katerikoli rekvizit so mi pokazali, sem se ga lotila z veseljem. Moj otrok pa ni športni otrok. Ni popolnoma nespreten, ima le strahove. Med drugim se boji tudi vode. In tako je bil plavalni tečaj v šoli zanj še posebaj neprijeten. Takšni otroci potrebujejo poseben pristop k pouku športa, kar pa nisem čisto prepričana, da so mu vsi fiskulturniki kos. Športnega otroka ni težko motivirati in ga je veselje učiti, nešportni pa je bolj izziv. Plavalni tečaj je bil tako čisti neuspeh, tako za mojega otroka, kot tudi za plavalne učitelje. Res je da imajo veliko otrok in se nimajo časa posebaj ukvarjati z bolj težavnimi, ampak kakšen je potem smisel plavalnih tečajev za vse “prvarčke”? Kako bo šla telovadba še težko rečem, ampak gotovo bova doma veliko vadila ;) Morda bi morale obstajati tudi inštrukcije za telovadbo?

I was always a sporty kid. It did not matter what sport or sports gear they showed me I had to try it. My child on the other hand is not a sport enthusiast at all. He is not clumsy just fearful. And one of his fears is water. That made swimming lessons in school especially uncomfortable for him. It would take a special approach to motivate this kind of child for sports and I am not sure all gym teachers are able to do it. It is rewarding to work with sporty kids but a non sporty one is challenge. At the end the swimming class was a complete failure for my child as well as the teachers. It is true that there is so many children to deal with that there is no time for the “problematic” ones but what is the point in making swimming lessons obligatory for all first graders? It is hard to say how gym will go in the future but we will definitely work at it at home :) Maybe there should be tutors for gym classes?

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